Scot Brian Goudie, who has been falsely operating in Thailand as a lawyer, failed to turn up today at Pattaya Provincial Court to pursue two libel cases against a British journalist and face a charge of fraud.
Goudie, 47, formerly known as Brian Goldie to the Department of Corrective Services of Western Australia, failed to turn up to challenge a charge of defrauding an American woman out of US$300,000 by promising to get her son out of jail on child sexual abuse charges.
The case was adjourned after the court heard the evidence of two witnesses.
In the case of two identical charges of libel under both the libel laws and the Computer Crime Act the first case in Court 11 was adjourned until September 14.
If Goudie, from Falkirk, Scotland, did not appear the court would hear an application for dismissal.
In the second identical case in Court 12 the judge declined to adjourn the case as requested by Goudie’s lawyer but instead gave the plaintiff three days to address the issue asking defence attorney’s meanwhile to submit a formal plea for dismissal.
The defendant, journalist Andrew Drummond,
had addressed the judge.
He said: “I am the defendant. I am also a journalist and qualified television producer. I do not believe Mr Goudie has any intention to appear in this case. He has not appeared several times already. He will not appear in court No 1 where he has a serious fraud charge brought against him.
“Mr Goudie has served time in prison for fraud. His actions have been reported in both Britain and Australia. An Australian Tribunal ruled that he is not a person of good character.
“He pretends to be a lawyer. He is not. His lawyer says he is in Koh Samui. But I have information that at the weekend he was in Pattaya.
“If you wish to see his prison record I can show it. But his case against me is based on what has been printed in the Sunday Mail in Scotland and newspapers in Australia. He has not sued them nor will he.
“Mr Goudie is currently the subject of an international television investigation which is due to go to air networked worldwide in the New Year”.