
Andrew Drummond

October 2009

British Boy,8, Held With Sharpened Pencil In Bangkok

An eight-yr-old British boy was held with a sharpened pencil to his throat held by an apparently drug crazed thief on the outskirts of the Thai capital Bangkok, his father said today.Screaming and shouting in Thai, the thief, in his twenties, demanded cash after being confronted by the boy’s mother and Liverpudlian dad. The boy’s […]

British Broadcasting Rejects Complaint About Big Trouble UPDATE

Has Ofcom ruled lies can’t hurt us? Rory Bremner has the last laugh.Britain’s broadcasting watchdog ‘Ofcom’ has rejected complaints about the documentary series ‘Big Trouble in Thailand’ brought by the series producer himself.In rejecting the complaint Ofcom says that Gavin Hill was not entitled to complain as he did not feature in the series, nor […]

Iguana Handlers In Soi Crocodile Veggie Fest Protest

This is a blog onlyAs if Phuket is not getting enough bad PR at the moment, the Phuket Gazetteis reporting a punch up between a Middle Eastern tourist and three ‘Iguana handlers’ after the tourist apparently declined to be photographed being pictured with one of these creatures in, yes, Soi Crocodile. The 20-yr-old Syrian ended […]

Big Trouble In Thailand – Finally The Truth And An Apology

This is a blog only Today my friends at Phuketwan are reporting that all jet-skis in Patong Beach are now insured. This is now perhaps the time to put the lid on an incident in June this year involving a row over a damaged jet ski, British Royal Marines, and a payment of 35,000 Thai baht. etc…. and reveal the truth.The […]

Phuket Bungy Jump – The Bare Truth Exposed

This is a blog onlyLink to Daily Mail and VideoSo it’s off to Phuket as the London Daily Mail requests ‘colour’ for the story it is going to publish about British student Rishi Bavjeva, who took a flying leap this summer attached to a bungy cord – and never came up again.The Phuket Bungy jump […]

British Honeymoon Couple Survive Thai Train Horror

From Andrew Drummond, Hua HinMonday October 5th 2009Link to Daily Telegraph Link to MetroLink to Daily Mail   Link to Daily Express Pictures: Andrew ChantA British honeymoon couple today spoke of their miraculous escape from death when a train on the Orient Express line in Thailand crashed killing ten people and injuring over 50.Richard Stroud, 43, and his […]