
Andrew Drummond

December 2008

Jingle Bells Unheard In Thailand Until Santa Shops Child Abuser

The widespread abuses committed by Canadian John Wrenshall are so mind boggling it comes as no surprise this time that the U.S. authorities chose to arrest him somewhere from which he could easily be deported for trial.He was shopped by a part-time Santa Claus, but nobody in Thailand noticed the warning bells ringing about Wrenshaw, […]

Old Etonian Takes Thailand On A Ticket Of Ethics & Principals

A former Eton scholar and Oxford University graduate was today elected Prime Minister of Thailand by a slim majority of 37 votes.MPs elected Abhisit Vejjajiva, leader of the country’s Democratic Party, putting an end to rule, by telephone, of ousted Premier Thaksin Shinawatra, and the successive governments he attempted to control in his exile.His opponent […]

CEOP's Thai Coup – Now You See Them

CEOP’s ‘Operation Naga’ provides hope for solving Thailand’s paedophile problem The raids this week by the Women and Children’s department of the Royal Thai Police together with officers of Britain’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre have given some hope to those who are bored with repeatedly seeing child sex abusers getting off scot free […]

Weary Stranded Brits Join BA's First Flight Home.

Some 200 weary Britons set off from Bangkok today to board the first British Airways rescue flight from Thailand.Ahead of them they face a gruelling 33 hours journey back to London after being stranded in Thailand during the siege of the airports by anti-government demonstrators.And as the the Britons and others left the country’s emptying […]

Thai Rescue For Stranded Tourists – Except For Furious Brits

  The airlift of passengers trapped in the Far East took off  in earnest last night as airlines came to the rescue of most nationalities – except for thousands of desperate Britons. SAS had three flights for Scandinavians from Phuket, KLM came to the rescue of the Dutch. Air France provided a flight for the French. Jet […]