
Andrew Drummond

Bang Kao Bay Residences

Throwing and ducking smart phones phoney lawyer Brian Goudie is keeping head down for other reasons-

(Pic Walter Douglas but he will have changed a lot since this Amsterdam picture) ISLAND BLUES! Plus: Will Drew Noyes and Brian Goudie now be denounced in Britain? Flying Sporran’s Midweek Diary There is a Clydeside expression which goes ‘Y’aff a yat? What yat y’aff’. Which translates roughly as ‘Prey tell me have you just disembarked […]

BUDDY CAN YOU SPARE A DIME! The missing millions of a fake British Barrister-

‘GOLDIE OF THE BAILEY’S’* HONG KONG STASH – It’s a staggering amount for a wee jessie of a chiseller but information coming into my office suggests that while working in Thailand Brian Goudie deposited in his HSBC account in Hong Kong the equivalent of 23 million baht- £475,643.89 at today’s rates. This was for one […]

Google Restores Blocked Stories

Following appeals Google has restored stories which were previously blocked on this site pending investigations of copyright complaints from two phony lawyers Brian Goudie and Drew Walter Noyes. Phoney lawyer 1 – Noyes Drew Noyes, former publisher of the Pattaya Times, who has now withdrawn claims that he is an American lawyer, had claimed pictures […]