Tommy Dee
High Noon In Radio City – ‘You think you are big shot?’
THANK GOD THEY’VE STOPPED FLYING B52s! ‘Put your foot down Viktor. Show time at Oscars-a-go-go is at 11 pm! I am not sure whether it was a result of a Captain of a Russian ‘I Fly’ jet making his final approach on a flight from Novosibirsk in Siberia to U-Tapao airport in eastern Thailand who […]
. MOVE FOLLOWS CLAIMS THAT TWO PATTAYA DISC JOCKEYS ARE BEING HUNTED DOWN BY THAILAND’S ‘HIGH TECH POLICE’. Tommy ‘unconcerned’ This site has now entered the realms of hip now that two alleged supporters have been identified as Pattaya DJs. In breaking news in the ‘coffee morning’ website andrew-drummond-blogspot Drew Noyes claims he has […]