
Andrew Drummond



Foreign pensioners in Thailand, many of them hapless Brits, face a bleak future, and may have to go back home and throw themselves on the mercy of the state, after finding their live savings have gone, gobbled up in the main by sharks in the financial and property business. Many of them have fallen victim […]

Flying Sporran Treasure Hunt Helps Secure Asset Freezing Court Order –

Ames PIECES OF EIGHT! PIECES OF EIGHT! WHERE IS AMES’  CASH? A treasure hunt conducted by the ‘Flying Sporran’ for the secret stash of twice bankrupt double glazing salesman David Ames, who has taken money for 6000 properties in the Caribbean and built just 300, has led a judge to put a ‘freezing order’ on […]

Attention British Property Victims – Harlequin Class Action

Unite and Fight Plea A flying sporran notification September 6 2012 Lawyers in the United Kingdom representing victims of Harlequin – a company which has been building, or rather barely building properties around the world – are preparing a class action against the company. David Ames (left) While most of the victims are in Britain, […]

Grumpy Old Men – The Good Life – And Financial Scammers

They’re irritable. They like a tipple. They don’t like fakes ruining their retirement playground. Could the mysterious ‘Grumpy Old Men Society’ in Phuket, Thailand, help put an end to charlatans on the island. Read On. Flying Sporran’s Bangkok Midweek Diary I am going slightly off my beat today to say hello to the fine residents of […]

Video Exclusive: CROSSING THE LINE – Rotary Club Men and Media Meddlers

A six year scam comes full circleCOMMENTApril 15 2012Six years ago the Pattaya People Media Corporation began heavily promoting Harlequin Property and Thailand Property and Media Exhibition Company Ltd.Now it has become clearly obvious that Harlequin run by Essex former double glazing salesman – turned bankrupt – David Ames, and taken over in Thailand by […]