
Andrew Drummond


-A Pattaya Times Exclusive – 
The paper where news runs all down your leg

(I’ve got Drummond on the run
says Drew Noyes)

Thailand’s seemingly greatest English language newspaper the Pattaya Times which boasts a readership of 500,000 reading a print run of 5000 has broken with the news that Andrew Drummond, correspondent of the London Evening Standard, and head honcho here appears to be a fugitive from justice and the paper’s boss.

The Pattaya Times exclusive comes right on the heels of a call to the moderator of the subzerosiam internet forum an excited American Drew Noyes – founder and in affect controller of the Pattaya Times that he had got Drummond on the run…and that Drummond did not have enough to pay 50,000 baht bail on a libel charge.

This site has consistently exposed Noyes for his lies and frauds.

But he was first exposed by the Wilmington Morning Star North Carolina before arriving in Thailand, he claims, by Royal Proclamation.

Noyes is suing Drummond for suggesting he might be going to jail – and for allegedly claiming that his wife gave blow jobs to foreigners.

Noyes, who awaits the verdict on February 15 of a libel case brought against him by a seasonal children’s Father Christmas, whom he accused of being a drugs trafficker, goes to trial on February 4th on a charge of extortion.

Contacted by phone Drummond -in hiding at his home in Bangkok supervising the re-roofing of his salas – said:

Drummond fleeing. Picture taken
the last time Drew Noyes said
Drummond was fleeing.

“I’m shocked. Deeply shocked. How could these cases go on without me? I have yet to receive any summonses. 

“Drew must have given the court the same fictitious address that he picked off a public forum. I should have guessed though – he has done this before.

“I have not written that his wife gives blow jobs for foreigners. I cannot find this remark anywhere. 

 “Why does he not sue me for something I have have actually written about him?

The Pattaya Times report –  Did the judge really state I was wrong? Picture copied by Noyes from Crime and Investigation Channel interview on the serial killer John Scripps.

“But when I went to court and asked Noyes where the b****y case was he said: ‘I am going to hit you for writing that my wife gives blow jobs to foreigners’ 

Mangus Evans, who wrote to
 Noyes complaining about
Drummond is now AD’s
number one fan

“His henchman then assaulted me with his stomach (I’m not joking here) and said: ‘After this – it’s just you and me’. I do not think he was being romantic. 

“I am not worried about Noyes though. He’s hopeless under cross examination.  I will remain in hiding until January 28th and then I will have a whole day in court with Noyes. 

I just need to tell the court how Noyes mistranslates my stories. That usually seems to work.

“I am going on a diet with Mangus Evans, the Tartan Pimpernel, who is hiding in my attic. As Noyes will be in court now until early next century, it’s going to be a bloating experience.  

“Er anybody got 50,000 baht!”

Below and right: Wilmington Morning Star with allegations of ‘myriad lies’, sexual harrassment, and fraud.

Footnote:Andrew Drummond: The article in the Pattaya Times is a glorious embellishment on reality. The judge has decided on the assumed fact that I had received the summons which I have not. That will be stated at the next hearing.

The evidence by Noyes will be challenged and he will asked to return to the witness box. No order demanding bail of 50,000 baht has been made.

Wilmington Star

Noyes is seeking outside lawyers to assist in his defence of extortion charges. This may worry clients of  his PAPPA law company, and One-Stop-Legal-Advice-Center.

He does however want to people to believe he is at last on a winning streak while his newspaper is on the verge of collapse.

This is an email he sent to ‘friends’

After almost 18 months we finally got the ass Drummond in
cour to stand charges for defamation. 
 Can you please do us a big favor and check yhese links
out and blast these links to your many contacts? 
————–  ———————
Needless to say the friend did not. The links he provided are for the Pattaya Times and his drummond.watchblogspot and are thus hardly liable to convince.He had to remove the comments section from his blogspot as he was getting such a pasting.

He also sent this to the forum master at subzersosiam:

Drummond is in CRIMINAL COURT on numerous charges brought by three
Plaintiffs. Drummond may also be CRIMINALLY Charged for as many as 67 different
false and defamatory statements on his blog in violation of the Thailand Computer
Crimes Act of 2007. “

Sixty seven cases?  Sounds like the real circulation of the Pattaya Times.

How Drew Noyes reported that earlier that Andrew Drummond was under police investigation. He had to with
draw the story on the net after Police Major General Supisarn stated the interview was totally made up

About the Author

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond is a British independent journalist and occasional television documentary maker. He is a former Fleet Street, London, journalist having worked at the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, News of the World, Observer and The Times.

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